Jessica Kato, NBCT

Jessica Kato, MEd, is a National Board Certified literacy educator who has been teaching for over 20 years. Jessica is the Literacy Resource Teacher for the Campbell Kapolei Complex Area of the Hawaii Department of Education, an Adjunct Professor for Chaminade University, a Hawaii State Teacher Fellow, and the Leeward NBCT Representative for Hawaii State Teachers Association. She continues to teach English for the Hawaii Online Courses program, where her students inspire her hope for the future. Jessica fiercely believes in growing joy and confidence through literacy and in the power of public education

Retaining Teachers Through Reimagined Career Pathways

December 5, 2023

By: Jessica Kato, NBCT Recently, I attended a conference session for mid to late-career educators, which I expected to be focused on strategies to support teacher retention, an issue I care deeply about. Instead, I was surprised to find myself actively participating in a passionate and emotional conversation about what it means to have an impact and what we want our lasting impact in education to be. When faced with that question, I was moved to tears because my initial reaction was to think nostalgically about the time I have spent with students and how I long to return to…

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