Chayanee Brooks, NBCT

Chayanee Brooks is a National Board Certified Teacher, Hawaii State Teacher Fellow, Pulitzer Center Teacher Fellow, and a high school English teacher at Ka’u High and Pahala Elementary School on the Big Island of Hawaii. Chayanee has been embedding socratic seminars in her courses to cognitively engage and empower her students. She has given professional development training for teachers on how to use cogenerative, open-ended, and explorative dialogues through collaboration to unleash learners’ potential in order to generate authentic learning experiences. She is the author of numerous articles on assessment, feedback, and student voice. She was featured in The Big Island Times’s Educators Make the World Go ‘Round’ Series where she emphasizes students’ awareness and experiences at school beyond grades. Chayanee is a strong advocate for assessments that empower student learning and success.

Pilgrimage Odyssey, Allegorical Journey of an Ordinary National Board Certified Teacher

January 10, 2022

  By: Chayanee Brooks, NBCT This is my honest account and recollection of my National Board journey. I know everybody’s journey is unique, but I believe we would agree that it is not a cake walk. As the old saying goes: “If it’s not hard, it’s not worth pursuing” and, to quote my favorite philosopher, Nietzche, “To live is to suffer.” I was prepared that the National Board journey would be difficult, but I never thought it would be so hard!!! I was first introduced to the National Board during a teachers’ union information workshop in 2016. Hawaii gives NBCTs…

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