Claudia Ladd, NBCT

Elementary teacher, with sixteen years of classroom teaching experience, who excels in cultivating and maintaining positive and productive relationships with all educational constituencies including parents, students, administrators, and the community.

Delivering on our promise of equitable education

September 20, 2019

Fall is in the air and school playgrounds are hubs of activity where teams are formed and games are played. Imagine one hundred children lined up ready and excited to play. Immediately sixty are benched, and only forty are allowed to play. We would never allow this on the playground; however, this is what is occurring daily in Literacy instruction. This scenario mirrors our Early Literacy scores, which show that while forty percent of fourth-graders score proficient, barely twenty percent of historically or underserved Black and Hispanic do. Team Literate vs Team illiterate; this inequity impacts lives and silence voices.…

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