Grand Pacheco, NBCT

Grand Pacheco achieved and recertified National Board Certification in Exceptional Needs, Early Childhood Through Young Adulthood and presently serves as a special education resource teacher and department chair at the International High School in Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland. Grand also has experience teaching English to speakers of other languages and high school social studies/history. His leadership experiences include serving as a curriculum writer, facilitator, mentor for Prince George’s NBCT Network, and candidate support mentor for the Maryland State Education Association Mentorship and the National Board’s Learning CORE Programs. In 2021, Grand received his doctorate in education with a specialization in Educational Leadership and Administration from George Washington University. Most recently, Dr. Pacheco served as one of the committee members of the National Board’s Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, who updated the DEI guidance within the Standards Development Handbook and made recommendations regarding DEI guidance within the explication of the Five Core Propositions in the "What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do" document.

Why Diversity Matters for Teachers and Students

April 12, 2023

By: Grand Pacheco, NBCT Diversity in the classroom is essential because it elevates teaching practices and students’ experiences to more meaningful teaching and learning. When I serve a community of learners from different backgrounds, I become more reflective on improving my pedagogical practices to ensure all my students feel welcomed, respected, and valued while meeting their individual needs. For example, during small group discussions or projects, I must figure out how to effectively group students beyond the below-on-above grade level grouping. I must also consider students’ English language proficiencies or cultural backgrounds to create a dynamic heterogeneous group where everyone…

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