National Board Homeroom

Session 4

Suggested Timeline:
Office Hours Opportunity:
April 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM



(Only complete if taking Component 1-otherwise, skip to Reminders for Submission)

Your task:

Register for your test date.

Please see submission window dates here.


Please see submission window dates here.

Component-specific submission reminders

You will need to enroll Click on the module for your desired component.

Your task:

Time to submit!

When you feel ready and prepared, submit your materials to your account. CONGRATULATIONS!

Moment of Joy!

 You have completed part of or all of your National Board Journey! How are you going to celebrate? Take a moment to soak in ALL the hard work you have done! Join our celebration social hour to hear from some amazing candidates and meet folks who have been working on Board Certification this year! Share your Board Certification Journey story by using the #NB2B and tagging @NBPTS on all social media.