Preparing for National Board Certification
- Understand the National Board process
- Create an account
- Register
- Pay for certification
- Choose the right certification area
- Read the essential Board certification documents
Step 1
What is National Board certification?
What is national board certification?
What is Candidate support?
- Overview of Candidate Support
- National Support Programs
- If you do not have local support, here is a list of national support programs
the "why" behind board certification
Eligibility and Overview
Recursos para educadores cuyo idioma preferido es el español
Your task:
What is YOUR "why" for pursuing Board certification?
- Write it on a Post-it and place it somewhere you will see it often.
- Take a picture or video of your post-it and share it on social media. Tag @nbpts and #NBCTStrong #NB2B
Step 2
Choose your Certificate Area, Payment Options, and Registration
Choosing your certificate area
Create your Account and Register
Payment Options
Determine Your Path
- Depending on your situation, you may be able to choose to complete your initial attempt at Board certification in 1, 2, or 3 years. Here are two planning guides to help you think through 2 or 3 year pathways. You will also want to check with your candidate support program. They may provide you with a pathway. Once you choose your pathway, you will then pay for the components you will complete by May 2025.
- Overview of Components
Your task:
Create your account and register.
Create your account and register by paying the $75 annual fee. You will still need to pay for your component purchases. See “Payment Options” above. Watch these helpful videos to get started
Consider creating a plan for how you will tackle the four components (or use the plan given to you by your candidate support program). You may also use this tool to help you plan.
Step 3
Reading and Analyzing the Essential Documents
Download, Bookmark, or Print Your Instructions
- General Portfolio Instructions
- Glossary of Terms on page 1
- Certificate-Specific Instructions
- You will also find your forms (Instructional Context Form, etc.) in this ZIP drive. You MUST open this folder.
- Request for Accommodations
- How to request Special Accommodations for your National Board journey
Equity in the National Board Process and in Your Practice
- Equity Webinar Recording and Resources
- As you begin to plan your lessons/unit for the year, take time to watch the webinar on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the National Board Process.
- Determine what new practices you may want to implement this year.
- As you begin to plan your lessons/unit for the year, take time to watch the webinar on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the National Board Process.
Download, Bookmark, or Print Standards and review other important documents
- National Board Standards
- Consult your standards regularly as you collect evidence, write your portfolio components, and prepare for Component 1.
- The videos should be watched now and reviewed again as you collect evidence and write.
- Body of Knowledge
- The 5 Core Propositions
- Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
Your task:
Take time to read your National Board Standards. Use two differently-colored writing utensils to determine the following:
- Where do you currently see your practice in action in the standards?
- Where do you currently see growth opportunities for your practice?
Click here to see a list of deadlines for this year.
Moment of Joy!
You’ve taken a HUGE step in your professional career. Take time to soak that in! Share with your colleagues, administration, and family/friends! Share your commitment to pursuing National Board by using the hashtag #NB2B and tag @nbpts on any social media you use!