MOC Components

This page provides a brief overview of the MOC components.

A complete description of the requirements you will have to meet in order to extend your certificate for five years can be found in the MOC Instructions. In summary, the MOC process consists of a portfolio submission of two components. These two components draw upon two Professional Growth Experiences (PGEs) related to your original certificate area. PGEs are activities in which you learned something new that has influence within or beyond the classroom and had a direct and/or indirect impact on student learning. While these experiences may have begun before certification or at a later point, they have evolved to become an important focus of your professional growth since initial certification or since your most recent renewal or MOC.

To demonstrate your maintenance of National Board certification, you will describe, analyze, and reflect on how your PGEs and teaching practices continue to align with the Five Core Propositions, the current National Board Standards for your area of certification, and the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching. Each component will include a written commentary in response to prompts and evidence that supports that commentary and demonstrates a positive impact on student learning.

In Component 1 you will

  • Identify two PGEs.
  • Develop a Written Commentary in response to prompts.
  • Collect evidence that supports your PGEs and Written Commentary and that demonstrates positive impact on student learning.

In Component 2 you will

  • Choose one of your PGEs identified in Component 1 to demonstrate its application with a group of students who are within the developmental level and content area of your original certificate area.
  • Design a lesson related to your chosen PGE in the same content area and developmental level as your original certificate area.
  • Prepare a video recording of no more than ten minutes of you teaching the lesson to a group of students in a pre-K-12 setting.
  • Develop a written commentary in response to prompts.

For more info about the video requirement, see the MOC Instructions. This resource provides guidance on how you might approach preparing for MOC as part of your professional growth planning. If you are considering filming instruction in a virtual classroom, see the guidance posted regarding clarifications for portfolio submissions due to COVID-19.

This resource provides guidance on how you might approach preparing for MOC as part of your professional growth planning.